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Body, Mind & Actions (2018)

Body, Mind & Actions (2018)​  is a triptych of happenings that question the body as an identifiable source, the mind as an identifiable and tangible construct, and ones' actions as identifiable patterns. Delving into realms of an autobiographic and auto-ethnographic nature, the works' involved adopt a state of vulnerability paired with the confidence required of the performer to share beyond the surface of his physical form. The distant ancestral voices captured in the work that start simply as male influencers and predecessors have moved forward to create cacophonies commenting on the presenter. The work strives to be brutally honest about the mind of the author whilst maintaining a mediative and calming state.


Embracing adolescence as a growing pathway, the happenings tackle individuality in modern society. Distorting the signifiers, blurring the lines of sexes, offering a honest insight into the mind of the white, heterosexual man amongst a society that is evolving further than these labels. 

Premiere: 09 - 2018


Running Time: 3hrs

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